House Number Numerology: Are You Living At The Right Address?

House Number Numerology

Does your house number make a difference in terms of the energy of the universe that it significantly bestows on a house?

As per beliefs and practices in India, it is said that the number 8 or any number that adds up to 8, such as 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, is a great deal for your home. The number kicks in a life filled with surprises makes a perfect space for those seeking wealth and prosperity, and also this is a great tactic to build in the lost or dimmed positivity in your house that comes with ambitions and aspirations.

In simple words, if you live in a house that adds up to 8, you are believed to have your house always buzzing with activity and a very powerful and authoritative vibe. But, does a single digit in your address Understandably,work in your favor? Is a number that effective and good for you? Does it benefit everyone in the same manner?

To help you find answers to such questions, let’s dive straight into the point;

Numerology Of House Number 8: Who Must Look For It ?

House numerology for the number 8 is governed by the planet Saturn, a significant source of efficiency and authority. This house number is ideal for those people who are looking for materialistic success in their lives.

If your house number is 8 or adds up to 8, it would bring too much of everything, including love and money. Be prepared for the strong vibe of success and fame, also this makes the perfect space for those who have extreme behavior and temperament concerns.

Here is a list of those who must live in a house with the number 8:

  • The house fits perfectly for entrepreneurs and investment bankers – in other words, those who are rather aggressive and passionate about their ideas
  • Suitable for stock market traders since they are known to be quite ambitious
  • People with the same birth number, such as 8, 17, and 26, etc
  • Those belonging to the Capricorn sun sign should also look for the house with the said number

People staying here could also get public recognition, since the house supports leadership as well.

Haven Said The Above, Who Then Must Avoid House number 8 ?

Haven Said The Above, Who Then Must Avoid House number 8

Here is a list of people who must try to avoid the number 8:

  • Couples who aren’t understandable enough or face a communication gap as it believed that they could face insecurities in such a house
  • This home is also not suitable for those who live in joint families, since the house has an authoritative vibe. This could create an uncomfortable situation amongst the family members
  • The house is not a great pick for obsessive people and they must also try to avoid such a space to avoid the energy of the house
  • Those whose birth number adds or is 4, such as 4, 13, 22, and 31
  • People belonging to the Aquarius sun sign must also avoid house number 8

If Your House Number Is 8 And If You Wish To Upgrade The House, What Must You Keep In Mind Concerning the Home Decor ?

In addition to the Chinese mythology of the number 8 for your house and how it is considered to be very lucky and sold at a premium cost, there are a few things that you must keep in mind when looking for an upgrade.

This single digit is a symbol of infinity and is considered to be very special, therefore, if you are willing to spend a little more and make the house all decked up, might as well swing in the right direction.

Try and incorporate modern furniture with trendy gadgets and luxurious decor. For example, the walls could be painted in earthy shades of red. Whereas for the bedroom, you can choose a rather soothing mix of cream, blue or white.

What Are The Challenges And Precautions Of The House Number 8 ?

Here is a list of certain challenges and precautions of house number 8 that you might face:

  • It is always preferred to take care of your mental health. It is understandable that you might face become obsessed with material wealth resulting in the loss of focus on emotional fulfillment
  • Remember to always consume good food and take good care of your health when living in house number eight. Eat ample amounts of fruits and veggies in their diet and drink up the optimum amount of water
  • There are chances that you might face a lot of legal hassles if your house number is 8 and a lot of money might get used up.
  • It is a belief that you will have a shortage of quality time with your family. Therefore, it’s always nice to make sure you are taking time off to spend with your family members to avoid fights at home.

To Conclude – Finding The Right Balance In Your House Number 8!

Listed below are a few tips to help you balance the adverse energies of House Number 8:

  • Make sure to practice good judgment and efficiency
  • Regularly exercise and have physical activities to maintain the strength
  • Keep an eye on your finances, just make sure to not get too obsessive
  • Maintain a fine balance between work and personal life
  • Practice a two-way communication channel with your family members
  • Maintain utmost integrity and honesty in your life
  • All work and no play is not fun

FAQs:House Number Numerology: Significance Of The House Number 8 In India

1) Is number 8 lucky or unlucky for the occupants ?

There is no straight right or wrong in this case. This means it is lucky for some and unlucky for others, according to Chinese mythology.

2) Why is 8 a bad number ?

The number – 8 is governed by Saturn and it signifies power and authority. So, it’s definitely not a bad number.

3) What is the biblical meaning of the number 8 ?

The number 8 in the Bible indicates a new beginning, a new order, in other words, creation.

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