Staircase As Per Vastu A Complete Guide For Your Home

Vastu Rules For The Staircase In Your House

If you are going to be sprinting up and down a flight of stairs on a daily basis, you might as well do it well. With these dos and do not, you will be able to put the staircase as per Vastu correctly in the home.

There are stair case as per vastu  for several aspects of the house that, when combined, operate in perfect harmony for bringing positive energy into your home. Staircases, too, must follow Vastu shastra principles. These are some Vastu staircase ideas that are fantastic for bringing in positive energy. We hope these Vastu tips will help you to build the staircase of the home.

Staircase As Per Vastu: As Per Direction

Staircase Vastu- As Per Direction

The greatest location for a staircase as per vastu in the home is near the front door. According to the Vastu principles, the optimal place for an internal staircase is always in the southwest corner of the home, followed by the south and west directions. These guidelines apply to houses with an east, north, or west orientation.

An internal staircase in a south-facing property might be located in the south direction /south-east direction,/west direction or, even the north-west part of the house. However, you should always avoid putting the stairs at the northeast corner of the home in any case.

Placement Of The Staircase As Per Vastu

Placement Of The Staircase According To Vastu

An internal staircase should never be in the middle of your home. The kitchen, storeroom, pooja room or the room where you keep the temple should never be at the start or finish of an interior stairway, according to Vastu shastra experts. The staircase should not be located in such a way that it is directly visible to visitors. The staircase that is connecting the cellar to the first level should not be extended further to connect to the upper floors. Experts also advise against placing the stairs near the main entrance where the higher floors are rented out. This is thought to result in financial losses for the owners.

Orientation According To Staircase Vastu

According to experts, your home’s staircase should always turn in the clockwise direction, that is from the north to south direction or east to west direction. A staircase that goes in an anti-clockwise orientation has been linked to difficulties in job advancement.

Vastu For The External Staircase

External stairs can be built in the following locations:

  • the south-east corner of the property, facing east; or the north-east corner of the property, facing east.
  • the property’s south-west corner when facing west or south
  • looking north, the north-west corner of the property

The Perfect Shape Of The Staircase As Per Vastu

A rectangular or square shaped staircase is not only pleasing to the eye but is also functional in design. In both the internal and external forms of staircases, when the turns are at right angles, they enable a good flow of good vibes and positive energy.

Odd Number In The Staircase

Odd Number In The Staircase

According to Vastu experts, stairs should always have an odd series of steps. The rationale for this is that a person normally starts climbing a staircase with their right leg, and according to shastra, ending the climb on the right foot is also fortunate. As a result, an odd number of steps is required in the home.

Choosing The Right Colour For Staircase As Per Vastu

The finest colour combinations for your staircase design and the surrounding area should be light tints of the colours you choose. Avoid using dark colours near the stairwell. You might also use some beautiful wallpapers near the staircase, but they must be light in colour, probably neutrals.

Some Colours You Can Use For The Staircase

According to Vastu principles, stairways should be painted in bright, relaxing colours such as white, cream, light greyish, pastel colours, or pale blue or brownish tints. Avoid red and black as they are said to bring in any kind of negative energy.

Underneath The Stairs

Underneath The Stairs

The Dursleys may have forced Harry Potter to live beneath the stairs, but we all know how that went out! If at all possible, the area under the stairs should be used to provide storage space for objects that are used frequently or are affordable. The space beneath the stairwell should not be used to keep valuables, nor should it be used as a tiny study area, pooja room, or anything else. At the same time, it is better not to store anything under the staircase, however, you keep some items.

What Items Can Be Kept Under Your Stairs?

It’s a good idea to plan a well-kept storage place beneath your steps. Make pull-out drawers and racks to store your shoes, outerwear, sports items, music equipment, or anything else you need to keep track of.

Is it possible to build a bathroom beneath the stairs? A bathroom, a kitchenette, or even a pooja room should not be built beneath a stairway.

There Are Few Strict Rules For Staircases Direction As Per Vastu shastra.

There Are Few Strict Rules For Staircases As Per Vastu shastra.

  • Never build a staircase at the northeast corner of your house, whether it’s interior or external.
  • Avoid spiral staircases and exterior staircases that may encircle the home since they are unlucky.
  • Avoid doing any kind of round or circular steps.
  • The stairwell cannot have any broken steps.

Where Should You Position The Doors Around The Staircase?

Construct the top and bottom doors of the staircase. Also, make sure that the steps in your home do not go up to the north or east direction walls.

Staircase As Per Vastu: The Correct Number Of Stairs In Home

According to the Vastu Shastra, the count of stairs should be an odd number. Furthermore, the number should not end with a zero. This is due to the fact that most people are right-handed and begin and end their stair climb with their right foot. Hence, the number of steps that you have in your staircase is very important.

Staircase As Per Vastu: Conclusion

A flight of stairs in your home can help you and your family achieve health, wealth, and prosperity. These Vastu stairwell suggestions can help you stay on top of things. These Vastu stairwell ideas will assist you in bringing health, prosperity, and happiness to your family. PropertyGeek’s professional designers can assist you in designing the perfect staircase to match the rest of the property.

Staircase As Per Vastu FAQs:

1. In what directions should the stairs be in your home ?

According to Vastu experts, the home’s staircase must always be in the clockwise direction, that is from the north to south direction or east to west direction. A staircase that goes in an anti-clockwise orientation has been linked to difficulties in job advancement.

2. How should the stairs be built in the house according to Vastu ?

Construct the top and bottom doors of the staircase. Also, make sure that the steps in your home do not go up to the north or east direction walls.

3. What should be the number of stairs in your home ?

The number of stairs should always be an odd number at the same time the number should not end with a zero.

4. What should be the colours of the staircase ?

According to Vastu tips, staircases should be painted in bright, relaxing colours such as white, cream, light greyish, pastel colours, or pale blue or brownish tints. Avoid red and black as they are said to bring in any kind of negative energy.

5. What can we keep under the stairs ?

It is always great to have a well-kept storage place under your steps. Make some pull-out drawers and racks to store your shoes, outerwear, sports items, music equipment, or anything else you need to keep track of.

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