Types Of Stones: Your All-In-One Guide!

types of stones

Stones are prime materials used when constructing a building as they offer more durability, strength, and stiffness, and are free from defects such as cracks, soft patches, etc. They are natural building materials and the multiple kinds are used for multiple purposes – some as the foundation for a building, others for roofing, masonry, flooring, paving, etc.

What are the Requirements of a Good Stone Used During Construction?

Listed below are the different quality requirements to make a stone best during construction:

1. Strength

Most building stones feature high strength and are best suited to resist the massive loads put on them. This is a natural feature of a stone and need not be checked for it every time when used. However, if it is to be used in large structures it then becomes necessary to do a quality check on its compressive strength given the loads pressing through, therefore must range anywhere between 60 to 200 N/mm2.

2. Durability

The stones should be able to resist the effects of natural forces like rain, wind, and heat. This is so they do not deteriorate due to natural forces.

3. Hardness

Stones are used in various places like pavements, an apron of bridges, and floors, therefore the abrasion forces due to the movement must be tested. So testing for hardness is a must.

4. Toughness

This means testing the stones for their capacity to resist the impact of any kind of load that could be developed due to vibration.

5. Specific Gravity

This means strength. So when testing the stones, make sure to also check for their specific gravity values and that they should be used in a heavy structure. These structures include dams, harbor, retaining walls, and docks. The range could be anywhere from 2.4 to 2.8.

6. Porosity and Absorption     

The porosity of stones is dependent on the formation of the main rock. If the main rock has a porous structure, then there is a high chance for the rainwater and groundwater to enter the space and damage the structure. On the other hand, the water absorption is directly proportional to its porosity. That means, if the stones are porous then the water absorption capacity is by default high.

7. Dressing

This means giving the required shape of the main rock that is suitable for construction. If the dressing is easy then its cost could be less.

8. Appearance          

If the stones need to be used in places where the appearance is prime then you must make sure to also check the appearance of the stone to enhance the beauty and give the structure a polished look.

9. Seasoning

This is the process of removing the quarry sap. These lateritic types of stones must not be used after 6 – 12 quarrying months. This is because they allow quarry sap to be ridden by nature’s action.

10. Workability

Workable stones mean the kinds that are easy to work with. Such as for cutting, dressing, and giving it the desired shape.

11. Cost

This is an important factor, that is when selecting a building material as the cost is directly proportional to the cost of construction.

12. Fire Resistance

Stones, at all costs, must be free from a coefficient of thermal expansion. This includes iron oxides, minerals, and calcium carbonate.

Types Of Stones Used In Construction

Listed below are the different types of stone for houses and the kinds best used during construction.

1. Granite

This is an igneous type of stone that is hard and durable. It is also available in a variety of colours. They are used for construction work like steps, kitchens, walls, door frames, windows, etc.

However, these are not best for carving purposes. The specific gravity of granite is anywhere between 2.0 to 2.7 and its compressive strength can vary from 770 kg/ cm2 to 1300 kg/cm2 and is widely available in most markets.

2. Ballast

This is an igneous type of rock that is known as a trap. It is a little hard to work with owing to the type of stone which has a specific gravity of 3 and has a compressive strength of 1530 kg/cm2 to 1890 kg/cm2.

It is used best for foundation work, road metal, masonry, etc, and is easily found in Maharashtra, M.P, Gujarat, Bengal, and Bihar.

3. Chalk

It is a sedimentary kind of rock and is pure white in colour. The texture of chalk is powdery and is best used for manufacturing Portland cement and putty.

4. Gneisses

Gneisses is a metamorphic kind of stone that comes with a specific gravity of 2.69 with a compressive strength of 2100 kg/cm2.

These are commonly used for masonry work, street paving, etc, it is very easy to use, and is locally found in Gujrat, Mysore, Kerala, Maharashtra, A.P., Bihar, and Madras.

5. Lime Stones

Limestone is sedimentary stones that consist of carbonate of lime. These come with a specific gravity of between 2 to 2.75 with a compressive strength of 550 kg/ cm2.

Limestones have multiple purposes and are best used for steps, flooring, wall, manufacture, etc and are locally found in Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Andaman Island, M.P., and Bihar.

6. Marbles

Marbles are metamorphic rocks that are available in multiple colours and come with a specific gravity of 2.65 with a compressive strength of 720 kg/cm2.

It is best used for flooring, steps, facing work, etc, can be easily carved and sawn, and is locally mostly found in Gujarat, A.P, M. P., Rajasthan, U.P., and Mysore.

7. Murum

These are metamorphic types of stones that have a colour of murum, which is deep red and brown. These are made of a composition of laterite stone and are best used for a garden wall, fancy paths, etc.

8. Kankar

Kankar is a sedimentary type of stone that is best used for manufacturing road metal, hydraulic lime, etc. These are easily found in North India and Central India.

9. Laterite

These are metamorphic types of stones that come with qualities like a porous, high percentage of oxide in iron, and can be easily quarried.

Laterite is available in multiple colour options, comes with a compressive strength of 18 to 32 kg/cm2, and is used in stone masonry, road metal, building stone, etc.

10. Slate

Slate is a metamorphic kind of rock that comes with a specific gravity of 2.89 with a compressive strength anywhere between 770 kg/cm2 to 2110 kg/cm2. They are best used for roofing damp proof courses, sills, etc.

Slate is available in black, has non-absorbent properties, and is locally found in U.P, M.P, Rajasthan, Mysore, and Madras.

11. Sand Stone

These are sedimentary stones that can be easily dressed in the desired shape and size and are available in multiple colours.

Sandstone with a specific gravity of between 2.65 to 2.95 with a compressive strength of 650 kg/cm2 and is best used for flooring, carving, and walls.

12. Quartzite

Quartzite is a metamorphic kind of rock that is used in pitching work, rubber Mansory, retaining walls, etc. It features a hard, compact, and brittle texture.

To Conclude:

Choosing the best kind of stone from the multiple types of stones could be a little difficult to choose considering the wide availability of different kinds, but what makes it easier is to choose a kind that is best suited for the work you require. Each stone has its own strength and features, so choose wisely!

Types Of Stones FAQs

1) What are stones?

Stones are prime materials used when constructing a building as they offer more durability, strength, and stiffness, and are free from defects such as cracks, soft patches, etc. They are natural building materials and the multiple kinds are used for multiple purposes – some as the foundation for a building, others for roofing, masonry, flooring, paving, etc.

2) What are the different types of stones?

Listed below are the different types of stones:

  • Granite
  • Ballast
  • Chalk
  • Gneisses
  • Lime Stones
  • Marbles
  • Murum
  • Kankar
  • Laterite
  • Slate
  • For more, head over to the blog post above!

    3) What are slate stones?

    Slate is a metamorphic kind of rock that comes with a specific gravity of 2.89 with a compressive strength anywhere between 770 kg/cm2 to 2110 kg/cm2. They are best used for roofing damp proof courses, sills, etc.

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