Best Lucky Plants for Home-sweet-homes: A Complete List of Lucky Plants for Home in India

Best Lucky Plants For Home

As per various sources and beliefs, it is observed that there are a few plants that are considered to be ‘lucky‘ per se and are known to channel a natural flow of positive energy into your space. Moreover, plants also help purify the environment by absorbing the carbon dioxide present in the environment, indirectly relieving you from stress and enriching your health.

So, which plants are lucky for home? We have curated a list of herbs, plants, flowers, and trees that are symbolic of peace, positivity, and prosperity according to Vaastu Shastra and Feng Shui.

Read on to know more!

Top 10 Lucky Plants for Home to Bring Peace, Prosperity, and Harmony

Plants can be a lucky addition to your space and those who believe in good luck through peace and tranquility will always have some greenery in their space. Some might do it for the love of gardening and bring in the positive Chi in their space that benefits everyone in the house. Here is a list of the lucky vastu plants for home that bring good luck, balance, and prosperity.

1) Tulsi Plant

Tulsi Plant

As per Vaastu Shastra, a Tulsi plant or holy basil is one of the lucky plants for your home that is believed to bring purity. They are auspicious, sacred, and powerful such that they enhance and channel positive vibes in your surroundings. Also, these lucky plants keep mosquitoes at bay. Make sure to grow them in spaces that are exposed to regular sunlight. They possess a lot of medicinal properties and can be grown in a pot anywhere in your surrounding that has access to sunlight.

2) Jade Plant

Jade Plant

The jade plant or the good luck plant is one of the lucky plants for your home that features small rounded leaves. It can be planted in your house or even on an office desk. According to Feng Shui, it is the epitome of good luck that brings in loads of positive energy. This lucky plant symbolises growth and rebirth. Their leaves have a resemblance to jade stones. Here’s a word of caution, avoid placing them in the bathroom, as per the recommendation of the experts.

Traditionally, these lucky plants are gifted to business owners as it is believed to bring in wealth and success. This medium-sized plant could be placed at the entrance of your houses or offices.

3) Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo Plant

The botanical name of lucky bamboo is Dracaena Sanderiana and it comes from Southeast Asia.  As per both, the Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, this lucky plant is known to attract good fortune and health, provided it is kept in the east corner of your space. They are pretty low maintenance which makes them suitable for those with little green skills.

The Chinese name of this lucky plant is Fu Gwey Zhu. ‘Fu’ means fortune and luck, ‘Gwey’ means honour and power while ‘Zhu’ means Bamboo. According to Feng Shui, lucky bamboo brings together the five elements: metal, water, wood, earth, and fire. This is indicative of positive life experiences.

The most exciting and unique part about this plant is that the number of stalks plays a vital role in your luck. For instance, to garner wealth, the plant must have five stalks. For good luck, it must have six stalks whereas, for health, it needs to have seven stalks. 21 stalks symbolise good health. These indoor plants also play a vital role in purifying the air and removing pollutants from the surroundings.

4) Money Tree or Plant

Best Lucky Plants for Home-sweet-homes: A Complete List of Lucky Plants for Home in India 10

Which is the lucky plant for homes? Pat comes the reply, money plant. The money plant is also known as pothos and is a symbol of wealth and good luck, helping you to overcome financial obstacles. It is also known to bring success in both professional and personal fields.

The money plant also works as a natural air purifier, filtering the toxins all the while requiring very little maintenance. According to Feng Shui, clustered round-edged smooth leaves are a sign of luck. The money plant just fills the criteria.

5) Areca Palm

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Areca palms are a natural appeal to your home space with their tropical and breezy energy. According to Feng Shui, the Areca palm brings good health, peace, and prosperity to your house. They are known to eliminate negative energy and channel them into positive energy. The plant can be grown anywhere in the house with indirect sunlight and is natural in removing any dust from carpets.

6) Corn Plant

Corn Plant

Corn plants, otherwise known as Fortune plants, are one of the lucky plants for homes. Scientifically named dracaena Fragans, corn plants are a symbol of good luck that also purifies the nearby air by removing toxins from them. They need bright yet indirect sunlight to thrive.

7) Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are known for their auspiciousness and austerity for wealth. The plant has round leaves, which is a sign of prosperity and money according to Feng Shui. This lucky plant for homes can bring in fortune and abundance in wealth.

8) Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake plants are yet another lucky plant for your home that absorbs poisonous gases from the surrounding air and eliminates all kinds of toxins from it. It shields you from the negative Chi and exudes powerful protective energy. Feng Shui considers it a bad plant but when placed in a secluded area inside a packed and crowded house, the plant can generate positive energy.

9. Golden Pothos

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Golden Pothos, the money plant variant, is regarded as one of the lucky plants for homes that brings riches. Even Feng Shui regards it as a benefit in reducing unfavorable energies and anxiety levels. These plants can be grown indoors or outdoors, even in the bathroom. Golden Pothos is scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum.

10. Peepal Bonsai

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According to Hindu belief, the Peepal bonsai plant, also scientifically known Ficus religiosa, is a sacred indoor plant. The plant has enormous significance in Buddhism as well since Gautama Buddha obtained enlightenment while meditating beneath a peepal tree. The peepal bonsai is regarded as a lucky plant that symbolises fortune, joy, and longevity. The fig tree has aerial roots and can grow quite tall and even then it can be cultivated in pots.

5 Lucky Flower Plants for Home

1. Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are lucky plants for your homes that are native to tropical America. These make a great addition to any space of your house, helping you clean the air, and evoke a sense of harmony in your home. Feng Shui states that the lily plants bring luck and affluence and ward off negative energies. As it attracts good vibes, it is perfect for your emotional well-being and improves the flow of energy in the home by cleansing the air.

It thrives well in shaded areas as it requires very little light. You can also grow this lucky plant in artificial light. It needs to be watered every week to see the white blossoms blooming. Known for its striking appeal and low maintenance, it is ideal for homes and offices too.

2. Jasmine


Jasmine or mogra represents love, appreciation, and good luck while also bringing positivity to relationships. It has a delicate sweet fragrance that helps in reducing anxiety and bringing tranquillity. Known as the flowers of Lord Shiva, this lucky plant for homes brings a sense of calmness and peace into this chaotic world.

3. Orchids

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In Feng Shui, orchids are those lucky plants that symbolize fertility, happiness, and good relationships. Ideally, these flowers must be placed on the north side of your space. Orchids are known to enrich and nurture current relations and bring in the fortune of love. Another striking effect of orchids, the lucky plant for homes, is that it releases oxygen at night helping you have a tranquil sleep.

4. Lotus

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The lotus represents spirituality, riches, purity, harmony, and serenity. These lucky flowers for home are also thought to have medicinal benefits and are seen as lucky flowers because they are associated with both Lord Buddha and Goddess Lakshmi. The best place to put it is in front of the house, but these lucky flowers for the home can also be maintained inside. In the northeast, north, or east of one’s garden, a water pond with lotuses is excellent.

5. Marigold

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Yellow marigold flowers represent prosperity and optimism in Vastu. These lucky flowers for home bring good fortune and energy into the home. Marigold flowers are used as torans on the main door since they are seen as lucky. The greatest place in your home to keep marigold plants is towards the north or east.

5 Lucky Herbs for Your Home:

1. Mint


Mint is known to attract prosperity and wealth by eliminating bad vibes and helping you calm down. The aroma from the plant is observed to revive one’s hopes and relieve stress muscles. Mint leaves also have a medicinal value attached to them.

2. Ajwain or Carom

Ajwain or Carom

The Ajwain or carom is a herbal plant that is considered to be auspicious for wealth and is also edible. The plant doesn’t require too much sunlight or water and also makes the best home remedy for an upset tummy.

3. Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is known to reduce stress by helping you relax and boost your mood. It is a zesty ingredient used in traditional medicines as a digestive tonic and a sleep aid. Feng Shui says lemon balms attract prosperity and peace.

4. Ginger

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Due to its fame for providing cold relief, ginger tea has been increasingly popular in recent years. Since ancient times, ginger has been utilised in food and medicine. Growing ginger, a medicinal herb, at home can improve relationships and draw good luck.

5. Bay Laurel

Bay Laurel

The bay laurel, an aromatic evergreen plant, represents victory and wisdom (both acquired and intuitive). The leaves are typically placed at the entryway to homes to ward against curses and draw joy and wealth into the residence. The laurel plant balances emotions and boosts positive energy in the home. It is frequently used in cooking and has healing qualities. Bay laurel can be cultivated indoors in containers as well as outdoors as trees and shrubs.

5 Lucky Trees for Your Home

1. Neem Tree

Neem Tree

A neem tree is known to create positive vibes, create a healthy environment, and is also auspicious. The Vastu Shastra call it ‘Sarva Roga Nivarini’ which means it is the cure of all ailments, has great medicinal value, and is an efficient natural air filter.

2. Banana Tree

Banana Tree

Did you know that the banana tree is considered a sacred plant and that it is worshipped in India? A banana tree is a good luck plant, signifies prosperity, and promotes good health and mental peace. As per the Vastu Shastra, the tree must be placed in the northeast direction of the house. You can even find banana plants at the entrance of South Indian homes during any celebratory occasion as a symbol of auspiciousness.

3. Coconut Tree

Coconut Tree

Coconut trees, also called kalpavriksh (the sacred tree), are an embodiment of good fortune that fulfils all kinds of desires and hopes. They also emanate positive energy which is why coconuts are an auspicious item during religious activities in Indian culture. The plant is supposed to be grown in the southwest or south direction, says Vaastu Shastra.

4. Amla

Amla tree

According to Vastu, the amla, or Indian gooseberry, tree is a lucky one. The tree is revered and is thought to be a favourite of Lord Vishnu and the goddess of riches, Lakshmi. While a little distance from the home, this can be planted in the North East or East. Vitamin C-rich amla is well known for its range of health advantages.

5. Ashoka

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The evergreen Ashoka tree, known for its fragrant blooms, is said to relieve pain and spread joy. This “tree of happiness” bestows riches and good vibes.

Tips to Grow Lucky Plants for Homes:

Just getting to know the names of the lucky plants for homes is not enough, you need to learn how to care for them. If you are a beginner in gardening, the following tips will help you keep your plants alive:

  1. Make sure to choose healthy plants that have vibrant foliage
  2. Trees such as neem and mango provide good results in all directions of the house
  3. As per the Vastu Shastra, try to place a Gooseberry tree in the north-east direction, pomegranate in the north-west, banyan in the east, gular in the south, peepul in the west, and Ficus in the north direction for good results
  4. Try to grow turmeric as well as herbs in the kitchen like coriander, thyme, and rosemary
  5. The citrus plant is observed to create a happy atmosphere and emanate a fresh smell
  6. Make sure to remove the dried and decayed leaves, flowers, and weeds to eliminate negative energy
  7. Grow auspicious plants like hibiscus, Champa, and marigold in the garden space
  8. Try and avoid plants with thorns, as they are known to raise tension in the environment
  9. Never grow plants in chipped or cracked pots

The Bottom Line:

Choosing one of the lucky plants for your home to bring in good luck and harmony is a simple task if you know the fundamentals of Feng Shui and Vaastu Shastra. Here we have brought you a list of all the lucky plants, trees, flowers, and herbs according to these two concepts. Feng Shui teaches how to garner positivity through the use of natural elements of the Earth whereas Vaastu Shastra, the Indian science of architecture, teaches us about the placement of certain things that will assist in bringing peace and prosperity to our lives.

Feng Shui states that any tropical plants that aid in removing toxins from the air stimulate peace, prosperity, and positivity. Plants that provide a peaceful environment are necessary to maintain good health both, physically and mentally. Having plants around your space enriches and eliminates bad vibes, so pick one and hit the ‘refresh’ button!

Lucky Plants For Home FAQs:

1. Which plant attract money?

The Jade plant is a stunning green succulent that fits in any room in your house. It is regarded as a lucky plant due to its lifespan and spherical, thick leaves, which draw prosperity.

2. Which plant brings success?

The following are the top 12 plants for luck and fortune:
● Rubber Tree (Ficus Elastica)
● Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)
● Viper Plant (Sanseveria Laurentii)
● Blue Singapore Orchid
● Citrus Tree (Vanda Coerulea)
● Sacred Basil (Ocicum Sanctum)
● Plant of Jade (Crassula Ovata)
● Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia)

3. Which plant symbolises good luck?

Lucky Bamboo is a popular good luck plant in many cultures because of its reputation for bringing good energy into the home. The amount of stalks a bamboo plant has tells you which aspect of your life is garnering good luck and symbolises overall fortune.

4. Which plant is unlucky for home?

Mehendi, tamarind, cotton, date palms, and babul are not considered lucky plants to grow at home, according to both Vastu and Fengshui. Also, never keep wilted, dead plants inside.

5. What is the happiest plant?

Due in large part to their beautiful, yellow petals and tall, green stems that remind us of the pleasant summer sun, sunflowers are known to be the happiest flowers on earth. Remember to keep them under direct sunlight if you plan to grow it inside your house.

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