Buying mattress guide: 9 Things To Consider Before Buying Best Mattress

buying mattress guide

Buying Best mattress is a supremely underrated and fairly important purchase to make which is why it deserves a fair amount of thought beforehand. It is important to put in  a lot of thought and research before buying  mattress guide not only for a good night’s sleep but also for peaceful mornings and for your body’s sake in the long run.

The price of the Best mattress may depend on the type of mattress you are buying, but a good quality mattress can be fairly expensive, such as the memory foam or even the traditional spring mattress. 

At the end of the day, the best mattress can provide you comfort and support, promoting as we said a ‘good night’s sleep’, which is essential for all humans. And on that note, let’s explore carefully curated top 9 tips to keep in mind on your next mattress purchase spree!

Buying Mattress Guide: 9 Things To Consider Before Buying a Mattress

It is quite common for you to get confused before buying the best mattress for yourself, and with so many options available in the market it could be totally overwhelming for you. So while you feel caught between a spring mattress, memory foam mattress, innerspring mattress, and much more. So before buying a new mattress read this article to get an idea.

1. Size Matters

A mattress of a perfect size on bed can enhance the look of your bedroom and will also provide comfort and better sleep. As beds are of various sizes, like queen size, king size, single bed etc. even the mattress should be of the appropriate size. Choosing the correct size is a challenging task but it is very important, as the wrong size can ruin your sleep. You may also customize your mattress according to your needs and requirements.

2. Try Before Buying

It could get a bit awkward but you need to, hence do not hesitate to to lie down and really feel the mattress you are planning to buy. This step actually does not have a substitute, all you need to do is stretch yourself onto the mattress, try on your best sleeping position, try rolling from one side to the other.You may try other stuff too such as sitting up in a reading position, sitting on the edge, it is very important to feel the pressure on the mattress as well as the firmness.

If you are sharing a bed with your partner, they too should try the mattress out in the mattress store. You should ideally spend at least ten minutes or more than that for mattress shopping.

3. Trial Periods And Returns

You may have tried the mattress quite well at the store, but the real test of its quality comes when you sleep on it for a night or a week. For your body to understand whether you are comfortable on the mattress or not it can take a month too. This is the reason almost every mattress shop offers free trials, for a certain period of time. Brands and dealers generally offer a trial period of 30 days.

After the free trial, you may return the mattress if you do not find it as supportive or comfortable as you thought it to be. However, you must keep in mind that there are shops that charge a fee if you want free trial periods, still this free trial is necessary, especially when you purchase mattresses online.

4. Mattress Firmness

The mattress firmness does not have a standard measurement, it may differ from one shop to another. Every shop has its own definition of “firm.” For instance, if you want a medium-firm mattress it may differ from one manufacturer to another. So when you go to a store use the terms ‘firm’ or ‘soft’ carefully and like a guideline, because these terms are not absolute. This becomes even more important when you buy a mattress online, so look for reviews that talk about the quality, materials, and type of the mattress.

There are manufacturers who rank the mattress according to the firmness by using simple terms such as; firm, medium, and soft, other manufacturers may use different terms. There are dealers who use more elaborate descriptions such as rating system on the scale of 10;

  • 3-5 for soft mattress
  • 6-7 for medium mattress
  • 5-10 for a firm mattress

Another thing to keep in mind is to not assume and to go with what is comfortable. For example, never assume that you’d need a firm mattress for back pain. Either consult a doctor or always try and go with what is most comfortable. For side sleepers too, firmness plays an important role, hence purchase one that suits your needs.

5. Pillow Top or No-Pillow Top?

One of the most popular mattresses these days is a pillow-top mattress; the one wherein the mattress offers a fluffy soft comfort while sleeping. But it could be pretty expensive and it may not be a necessity for you.

These soft mattresses are likely to get flat if you are heavy and may lead to back pain if you are used to extra firm mattresses. On the other hand, for a light person, the weight may not fully support the mattress which may lead to back pain or could affect the spine. What you can do instead is purchase a medium-firm mattress or a mattress with layers and put another one on top of it.

6. Mattress Types

There are different forms of mattresses available in the market, however, the three most common types are traditional innerspring mattresses, memory foam mattresses, latex foam mattresses and hybrid mattresses (a combination of two). There are also other types like air mattresses which are quite popular amongst couples with varied mattress choices.

The advantages and disadvantages depend upon the type of mattress and you should make sure you know what will suit your bed. Here’s a brief about each-

  • Innerspring mattresses: These are quite common and the most budget-friendly mattress. They offer good support and also a range of measurements for firmness. For the disadvantage, however, it may not be very durable.
  • Memory foam mattresses: A foam mattress is pretty expensive but is amazing for providing a cushion for aching muscles or sore joints. This mattress, though, can generate a lot of heat, especially in tropical regions. Memory foam mattresses and latex mattresses are quite similar, however, latex is comparatively more elastic which offers an even more generalizing “hug” which memory foam doesn’t. Memory foam is not very bouncy but they give good support and hence is good for people with back pain.
  • Latex foam: These mattresses can be an amazing pick for people who don’t like the hot and smothering feeling of memory foam while sleeping. Latex foam is made of synthetic, natural, and various blended materials.
  • Hybrid mattresses: These mattresses consist of springs with foam layers. If you buy a good quality hybrid mattress it will provide a combination of innerspring models as well as foam. However, always make sure you buy a premium mattress since a bad quality hybrid will tend to offer you inferior support and lacks the combination of spring and foam. Hybrid mattresses can be found with latex foam or memory foam, you may choose any one you prefer better.

Air mattresses: These are one of the best forms of mattresses as you are allowed to customize how you want the firmness of the mattress to be – and the best part is that many of these mattresses allow the partners to customize their side of the bed according to their preference. But with all these benefits, as you may have already imagined the price of these mattresses is quite high, albeit worth it.

7. Determining If You Really Need a Mattress

With so many new mattress brands and types of mattresses, it is fair for one to be lured into replacing their old mattress with a new, soft mattress, perhaps one with several layers and latest technology. However, what most people don’t determine is whether they really need a mattress replacement or not in the first place.

In most cases, if your old mattress is in good condition and you are still thinking of buying the same-size mattress, you may not really need one. There are a few points you should consider before replacing your  mattress:

  • Replace only if your old mattress fails to provide utmost support to your back and has lost the fitness that provides a comfortable pressure/ support while pressure
  • Replace if your old mattress is made of outdated materials and go for one with perhaps natural fibers, with several layers (especially for side sleepers).
  • Replace once you have understood what type suits you best, memory foam mattress, mattresses made of natural latex, innerspring mattress, or others?

Replace once you are sure your current mattress is not under the trial period and warranty.

8. Buying a Mattress Online

Mattress shopping online may seem quite risky for many people, however, it is becoming popular nowadays. There are several reasons for this and also pros and cons to it. Starting with the pros-

  • You will not have to communicate with a salesperson, as you have to do in a shop
  • The choices available online are endless, from innerspring to pillow top to memory foam you will find everything online
  • The brands matter a lot, and you will get a lot of options as you get even the most premium and luxurious brands online
  • The price of the mattress does matter; when you are shopping online you will get better prices
  • When mattress shopping online, you can avoid sales tax too, which will further reduce your price

There are some disadvantages too:

  • Most online sites don’t offer a free trial
  • Returning the mattress can be quite a hassle, which is comparatively easy when you purchase from a shop
  • You will have to dispose of the old mattress all by yourself, you won’t get any assistance there
  • You will not find any salesperson to demonstrate the pros and cons of the mattress and there is no chance of any negotiation with the price

Therefore, if you are planning to purchase a mattress online, you will have to do a bit of research, start by selecting a reputed and trusted site, check for the warranty, reviews to get an idea of the quality, and ensure it has a return policy.

9. Quality Over Anything Else

A high-quality mattress will not be cheap, but remember your good health and positive mood is priceless. Of course, you should not go out of the way to buy one that you cannot afford, because let us face it, what is the use of buying a mattress you won’t be able to pay the rent for.

Choose your mattress generously. Explore the size you want to buy, the brand, the warranty, the type of mattresses like memory foam, air mattress, or latex foam – take everything into consideration. At the end of the day, sound sleep is all that matters and that is why a quality mattress is important.

Best Mattress FAQs :

1. Which size mattress do I need ?

The size of your bed is to be taken under consideration while you buy a mattress, whether you want a king or queen size, depends on the bed. If you stay with your family you would probably have a big bed so buy a mattress according to that, and vice versa.

2. What are the basic tips to follow while buying a mattress ?

There are a few points you must keep in mind while buying a mattress, like the kind of support it provides, the quality, warranty, the type of beds you have, how much pressure it provides to your spine and joints, etc.

3. Are sleeping patterns and the type of mattress related to each other ?

Sleeping pattern is related to the kind of mattress you sleep in, and this hugely impacts your health too. Make sure the mattress you sleep in provides pressure to your spine and is firm enough for you. You spend an entire night on that mattress hence it should give you utmost support for you to have a good morning.

4. How can I choose the right mattress ?

The correct mattress will offer a good night’s sleep, appropriate support to your spine, reduce muscle aches and joint sores, offer pressure to your body, and all of these will impact your overall health.

5. How long can I use a mattress ?

A good quality mattress may last as long as 10 years because let us think practically the work of a mattress is to offer sound sleep at night, other than that you may spend your time working or reading on your bed.

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