What Is The Difference Between Carpet Area, Built-up Area & Super Built Up Area

Carpet Area

There are a lot of factors that one must keep in mind before buying your dream home. The basic things to consider, of course, are the carpet area, the built-up area, and the super built-up area. Confused? Well, this is the case for most people. Not all are well informed. Hence, here we are to give you a detailed explanation of all these terms.

Before purchasing any property nowadays, a lot of things have to be kept in mind like the carpet area, built-up area, and the super built-up area. The major one to consider is the carpet area as this is the net usable floor area of the house. To know this, one must even know the difference between carpet area and other areas that you will get in exchange for money.

Space calculators are a must to have a clear idea about carpet area, built-up area, and the super built-up area. It won’t be wrong to say it all boils down to the space that the buyer will acquire, in exchange for money. The majority of the real estate developers make sure that they flaunt the large carpet area offered by them. Now, this can be just a strategy, make sure you don’t fall prey to that and calculate the carpet beforehand. The larger the carpet area, the higher the cost.

So here we will also tell you the difference between carpet area, built-up area, and super built-up area. Have a look at the guide we have prepared for you.

What Does Carpet Area Mean?

carpet area

The area that is net usable or is covered by a carpet is called the carpet area. This is the wall-to-wall carpet area of your house. In short, the area that you get to use or the distance between your house’s inner walls. It should be kept in mind that the carpet area is usually 70% of the total built-up area.

The carpet area covers – bedrooms, study, dining room, dressing rooms, bathrooms, balconies within the property unit, a staircase within the property unit, kitchen, and stores. The carpet area doesn’t include external and internal walls, common areas, terraces, utility ducts, or interior parts.

Section 4 of the RERA states that an application should be made addressing the real estate regulatory authority, which says that along with the carpet area of the apartment, the area of the verandahs or exclusive balcony, and the exclusive open terrace areas with the apartment should be included.

How to Calculate Carpet Area?
(Carpet Area Calculator)

The easiest way to calculate carpet area is to do the formula: Sum of all Area (Bedroom+living room+Balconies+Toilets) — the thickness of the inner walls = Carpet area

If the built-up area is 1,000 sq ft, your carpet area would be 700 sq ft. In order to get the exact measurement, physical measurement is advised.

What is a Built-Up area?

Built-up Area

The area covered by the external walls and the internal walls which even include the ducts are known as built-up areas. It is the entire area of the apartment. The built-up area covers external & internal walls, carpet area, utility ducts & interior parts (sewage/water pipeline, interior parts of door and window AC ducts and shafts, etc). It is always more than the carpet area. In other words,

Built-up area = carpet area + area of walls

How do we calculate Built-up Area?

The built-up area is usually 10 per cent more than the carpet area, which means if your carpet area is 1000 sq ft then the built-up area will be 1100 Sq Ft. There is a method to calculate the built-up area too. The formula is:

Carpet Area + Area of walls + Area of Utility & Interior part = Built-Up Area

What Is A Super Built-Up Area?

Super Built-Up Area

Super built-up area is the sum of the built-up area of the property and the common area of the property. It includes the elevator, swimming pools, garden, lobby, lifts, etc. But, parking does not count and it is charged separately. It does not include the roof terrace, water tank, lofts, parks, driveways, garden, or play hub. Builders typically find out the super built-up area by using the loading factor on the carpet area.

RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) states that carpet area, built-up area, and the common area sharing of lobbies, and stairs can be used by the entire building. This is called the super built-up area.

How Do We Calculate the Super-Built-up Area?

The easiest way to calculate the super built-up area is to do the formula: Super built-up Area = Built-up Area + Proportionate Common area.

Difference Between Carpet Area, Built-Up Area, And Super Built Up Area

Carpet Area:

The carpet area is the precise area within the walls where a carpet can be spread. Hence the net usable

It is the precise area It means the area is calculated from inner wall to wall distance inside the house. And it is nothing but the net usable area inside the house.

Built-up Area:

The built-up area is the addition of all the area of walls and ducts and the total carpet area. The addition would go as

Carpet Area + Area of ducts and walls + 1/2 of the Area of the terrace

Super Built-up area:

Built-up area + area occupied by amenities like lifts, elevator, the veranda, swimming pools, garden, clubhouse, staircase, lobby, lifts stairs. Whenever you go to look/buy a property, do make sure you check the carpet area, built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area calculator in mind.


Carpet area

Built-up area

Super built-up area

Hall or living room









Dining room












Pooja room




Study room








Utility areas




Staircase (inside the house)




Staircase (outside the house)
























Swimming pool




Carpet Area FAQs:

1. What is the difference between built-up area and carpet area?

The carpet area is the area covered by a carpet. This is the usable area. This area does not include the built-up area which is calculated after adding the external walls.

2. Should I pay for the super built-up area?

A stamp duty amount should be paid for the super built-up area. This is because the builder is purchasing the super built-up area. There are no special regulations mentioned in the municipal act for the super built-up area, but one can ask their builder for the same.

3. What are the built-up area and plinth area?

The plinth area is also known as the built-up area. These include the internal and external walls. The plinth area is usually more than the carpet area. The plinth area is generally 10 to 20 percent more.

4. What percentage of the carpet is a super built-up area?

70% of the built-up area is the carpet area. If we assume that the built-up area is 1000 sq. feet, the carpet area will be 70% of 1000 sq. feet, i.e., 700 sq. feet.

5. Does carpet area mean toilets are included?

The usable size of the villa or flat is the carpet area excluding the thickness of the wall. This also included the kitchen and the bathroom. All common area that is outside the flat or apartment such as a security room, staircase, lift, etc. must be excluded from this calculation.

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