15 Budget-friendly & Sustainable Tips to Make a Green Home

Green Home

As well all are aware, the biggest source of pollution is the single use of plastics and the emission of CO2 making it super important for one to look for more eco-friendly methods to make their house a green home.

The fact that not all can afford solar panels or energy star appliances is understood, but there are alternatives to the same. Making smaller changes to your homes to make them green will help. These budget-friendly sustainable methods won’t even consume much time.

Many home builders are now opting for greener homes. It doesn’t matter if it is completely eco-friendly or not, but at least trying to take a step toward healthy living is a must. It doesn’t even involve much cost to build green homes or say at least involves some attractive pocket-friendly green home products. 

So, let us have a look at some of the efficient methods by which you can make your home green and eco-friendly.

1. Introduce green plants in and around your house

2. Recycle and compost your household waste

3. Use LED light bulbs instead of regular ones

4. Get a programmable thermostat

5. Construct energy-efficient small homes

6. Use environmentally friendly paints

7. Go solar!

8. Go for environmentally friendly furniture

9. Replace your old air conditioner

10. Use sustainable methods and/or materials in every way possible

11. Conserve your water

12. Get “energized” windows for your home

13. Conserve energy in your kitchen

14. Use homemade natural cleaning products

15. Save energy in all ways possible!

Here’s How to Bring About These Green Changes!

1. Introduce Green Plants in and Around Your House

Decorate Your House With Green Plants

One of the most effective ways to filter indoor air is to have potted plants. A plant will keep your home cool and won’t make it hot, also it makes a home more welcoming. It is definitely a big responsibility to water them daily and take care of them, but it surely is one of the best ways to keep your home green.

If you have a large area of land that you can grow plants on, try to grow native trees and plants in them to save you the cost and water for irrigation. It also means less maintenance and less use of natural resources. In drought-prone areas, this is a huge plus as native plants won’t typically need any pesticides or fertilizers. Furthermore, local insects and other wildlife reap benefits from your natural green garden.

2. Recycling Bin And Compost Bin

Having a recycling bin at home will make you more conscious. Each time you have glass bottles, jars, paper, and other items around, you will consider getting them recycled.

A compost bin, on the other hand, is helpful to get rid of the leftovers that you have and at the same time, it will provide you with fertilizers for your plants. It is the best way to reduce household waste. Having these two is a long-term investment for a greener home.

3. Use LED Light Bulbs Instead of Regular Ones

Energy-efficient light bulbs make a huge difference. These bulbs will not only make your home environmentally – friendly but will also help you save energy. Start using LED bulbs as an alternative to incandescent bulbs. It is a smart way to save money and power, in an eco-friendly way.

4. Get a Programmable Thermostat

Want to reduce the cost of your utility bill? Use a programmable thermostat. It will make your home eco-friendly and will also monitor the cooling and heating systems at your house. A power-saving greener method indeed!

5. Construct Energy-efficient Small Homes

It is advised that green home properties should be usually small.  A smaller home with energy-efficient and eco-friendly construction will have a lower environmental impact. So, if you are planning to reduce your carbon footprint, then you know what to do.

6. Use Environment-friendly Paint

Fresh paint may either seem really toxic or pleasing to you but it’s always best to choose zero or low-VOC paint for your walls. This change will improve the quality of air in your house contributing to your go green mission. The strong stench that comes off paint is VOC (volatile organic compounds) that can vaporize into the air and cause adverse long-term health effects.

7. Go Solar

Go Solar

There is no other source of energy as efficient and low cost as the sun. If you are building a new home, then you have space to plan for solar panels. If you incorporate this in your green home designs then you will have the advantage of light, positioning, and geography to get efficiency for your investment.

It isn’t always easy to get solar panels installed, as it will cost you a lot, but if you combine them with your green building ideas, then solar power can generate energy to even start selling back. There are even government incentives given to install solar power in your homes hence no need to worry about the costs. Think and act smart to reduce waste.

8. Go For Environmental-friendly Furniture

Opt for furniture that makes a difference to your mother earth. There are options of furniture made of earth-friendly or upcycled materials offered by several reputable brands. These services are environment-safe as well as customer-safe. If you have wood around your house and you know a bit of carpentry, you can even make your own furniture.

9. Replace Your Old Air Conditioner

You could replace a central AC unit or a 10-year-old window AC unit with an Energy Star model will cut your cooling costs by 30 to 50 percent. Both the environment and your wallet will be happy you decided to make this green choice.

10. Use Sustainable Methods and/or Materials in Every Way Possible

One of the effective means to make your homes green and eco-friendly is to incorporate using sustainable materials and methods. Right from a small frame to the flooring of your homes, one must make sure that the materials used are sustainable and cause a low impact on the environment.

As far as flooring is considered one can consider tips that will be helpful in the long run. Wood for that matter is a renewable resource and it is great for climate control efficiency. Modern flooring includes bamboo, cork, and linoleum. These are made from natural and efficient materials. Linoleum has a longer life span of 25 to 40 years.

Many modular homes can be called sustainable too as the process that is involved in building these homes decreases a lot of waste, hence making it popular amongst people and this over a period of time has become an accepted form of green home construction.

11. Conserve Your Water

Consumption of freshwater is the need of the hour. One must find ways to conserve water. Using appliances such as low flow faucets, tankless water heaters and energy star rated washers will help in not just saving water but is also an effective way to protect the environment.

Capturing rainwater is another effective method. You can use this collected water in the garden or for some other effective measures. Reduce water use to a minimal level too. Another method is to avoid using a washing machine.  Up to 90 percent of energy is used by this machine and it goes towards heating water. One can just use cold water to wash your clothes. This will save your electricity and you will have a minimum bill to pay. It will also cut down the carbon footprint. This method is also of low maintenance.

As the electricity utility is reduced, power is saved and you are a step closer to green homes.

12. Get “Energized” Windows For Your Home

Energizing your windows has become quite a huge success in making your green home. These are energy-efficient, double pan window models, which reduce heating and cooling costs.  One can save a lot on their energy bill by using this method.

13. Conserve Energy in Your Kitchen

Smarter In The Kitchen

A lot of energy is consumed in the kitchen. Using less energy will help the environment. For example, many think that using an oven instead of a toaster will save the environment. No, that is not the case. The oven uses a lot of energy. Also, make sure the oven door is closed properly each time you use them, as the open door leads to a usage of maximum energy.

Swap a pod coffee maker for a drip coffee maker as the plastic capsules of the pod coffee maker end up piling up in landfills. Last but not the least, make sure there is minimum wastage of food and water.

14. Use Homemade Natural Cleaning Products

Homemade natural cleaning products are very effective, they get the work done without the involvement of any chemical or harmful products that will affect your health. In order to take a step towards a green home, make sure you use recycled products and make them last longer. One can create their own cleaning products using ingredients available at home. Use these smart ideas to save money, electricity and to avoid plastic-related items at home. These benefits of these ideas will be understood only in the longer run.

15. Save Energy in All Ways Possible!

News always states the condition our mother earth is in due to excessive wastage of entry, and the repercussions that follow due to wastage of the same. We can do our bit by saving them at our homes. Switch off fans and bulbs when not in use. Avoid using air conditioners when feeling hot. Make sure your room is well ventilated, this will consume less energy. Plant more and more plants to keep the environment cool and to reduce your electricity bills. Keep your windows open, go green with your roof and build a garden on your balcony and pay attention to them, these will help you to use the energy-consuming appliances less. These will help in saving energy, will purify the air, and reduce heat. These are also simple low-cost ideas for a green home.

The Bottom Line: Get Your Best Green Home Designs Now!

Note that people have a misconception that building a green home will cost a lot of money. But this is not the case. If we look at the long-term benefits that we are going to get, then the amount invested initially can be considered just an investment. Here are some of the long-term benefits of a green home:

  • The reduction of greenhouse gases hence will protect the environment.
  • Reduces operating cost
  • Green homes are more air-tight and thermally comfortable
  • Improves indoor air quality, reduces heat, and reduces the waste of food and water.
  • Usage of more recycled products
  • Green homes will have a higher resale value

We won’t deny that some materials required to build a green home might seem costly, but they will help you in the long run. Energy and utility costs will be lowered over time and health bills will go down.  It will benefit your budget and the overall quality of your life. Do consider a green home as an investment in your future.

Based on the study carried out on IGBC green homes, conservation of energy and water consumption are the immediate benefits. Speaking of energy, it will save up to 30-40%, whereas there will be up to 20–30 % water consumption in conventional homes.

The above-mentioned benefits are all tangible, but speaking of the non-tangible ones, let us tell you that studies have seen that 90% of these homes have adequate daylighting, and enhanced ventilation. Hence, be smart and choose wisely.

FAQs: To Make A House A Green Home

1. What are the components of green buildings?

Components of green building involve water efficiency, materials efficiency, waste reduction, indoor environmental quality enhancement, and maintenance optimization.

2. What are the disadvantages of green building?

The additional cost incurred in building high-quality green homes can be a disadvantage. However, there are methods that do not empty your pockets.

3. What is an eco-friendly house?

Eco-friendly homes, also known as green homes are built using environmentally friendly materials and appliances. Creating a green home also involves changing your thought process into choosing environmentally friendly decisions like opting for smart appliances, replacing plastic bags with a cloth or paper bags, growing native plants, conserving water, etc.

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