10 Simple Tips on How to Keep Room Cool in Summer

How to Keep Room Cool in Summer

Fancy summer salads, cool cocktails, pool parties, or BBQ in the backyard — the blue summer sky is the limit when it comes to summer activities. But there are also days when the scorching sun is out and all you want to do is blast the air conditioner and relax indoors.

However, being overly dependent on the AC also means that you’re contributing to greenhouse gases and global warming. So you must think of alternative ways how to keep your room cool in summer.

Top 10 Tips on How to Keep Room Cool in Summer

  1. Chill Outdoors in the Evening
  2. DIY Fan Cooler
  3. Energy-Saving Bulbs
  4. Increase Temperature by 1℃ 
  5. Keep the Heat Out
  6. Regulate the Ceiling Fan
  7. Seal Gaps
  8. Shut the Curtains
  9. Switch to Cotton Clothes
  10. Other Hacks to Keep Cool

Let’s deep dive into each of the ways how to keep the house cool in summer:

1. Chill Outdoors in the Evening

Summer days are hot. Naturally shutting the windows or staying inside can be a good idea. But as the weather cools in the evening, you might just want to open them to let the cool air in – just ensure you lock up afterward!

Preparing and cooking dinner in the backyard or at the park may also be a cooler option than sitting in a hot kitchen. So taking advantage of the breeze is one way how to cool the room in summer.

2. DIY Fan Cooler

Don’t want to step outside? Do not have an AC? Don’t worry! Try out this DIY fan cooler!

Did you know that you can turn your fan into a cool air mystifier? Simply place a shallow basin or bowl of ice next to a fan for an inexpensive icy-cool wind.

3. Energy-Saving Bulbs

Incandescent led bulbs may be the reason you’re having difficulties cooling your house and can’t figure out why. Because they generate a lot of heat, switching to energy-efficient bulbs will help cool your home while also saving you money on energy bills – it’s a definite plus!

4. Increase Temperature by 1°C

If you must use the air conditioning unit, set the temperature to between 24° and 27° Celsius, or as high as you are comfortable. In hot weather, increasing the temperature by merely 1°C can save you roughly 10% on your appliance’s operating costs.

If you want to replace your air conditioner, seek one with a high energy-star rating and do your homework to make sure you get the correct one for your home.

5. Keep the Heat Out

One of the best tips on how to keep room cool in summer is to keep the heat out. Investing less in cooling requires preventing heat from entering your home in the first place. Exterior coverings such as shades, awnings, or huge potted plants can provide shade for walls and windows

Choose trees that give you shade in the summer yet let the sun flow through in the winter. If possible, get window tinting and upgrade your ceiling insulator to assist keep the heat in throughout the winter.

6. Regulate the Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans may appear to push hot air throughout your home instead of cooling it down at times. You are correct — fans that do not rotate anti-clockwise might do exactly that!

In the summer, set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise to force air straight down, creating a cooling effect, and clockwise in the winter to pull cool air up. Adjust the speed of the fan to high when it’s hot outside, and low when it’s cold outside. Fans can also be used to support other methods of cooling, so making sure they rotate in the right direction can make a big impact on your home’s temperature.

7. Seal the Gaps

To retain air flow where you need the most, shut doors to rooms that aren’t in use. To keep cool air from escaping, close gaps around windows and doors and use draught excluders.

Keep in mind: If you unlock some windows and doors to promote air movement through the house, evaporative air conditioners will be far more efficient.

8. Shut the Curtains

If you’re still wondering how to keep room cool in summer, draw your curtains, particularly on north and west-facing windows. Better still, invest in dark (block-out) drapes to keep the sun out of your home throughout the summer.

9. Switch to Cotton Clothes

Cotton materials are extremely breathable and aid in body cooling. Wear lightweight, loose fitting clothes made of breathable fibres such as cotton, and use cotton bedsheets.

10. Other Hacks to Keep Cool

Drink ice-cold beverages, use a wet cloth to massage your neck and other pressure spots on your body, or take a cold shower to cool down without turning on the air con.

Concluding Thoughts

That was all about  how to cool room in summer. Even in the hottest temperatures, staying comfortable indoors with little or no use of air conditioning is entirely possible. You may not only save money by employing these natural and DIY cooling measures, but you can also help to protect the environment by being energy efficient. 

Hot weather problems are expected to occur in the future as global warming concerns grow, and it is critical to implement solutions that focus on short-term comfort while delivering long-term benefit.

How to Keep Room Cool in Summer FAQs

1) How to keep room cool in summer without AC?

One of the best tips on how to keep room cool in summer is to keep the heat out. Investing less in cooling requires preventing heat from entering your home in the first place. Exterior coverings such as shades, awnings, or huge potted plants can provide shade for walls and windows.

2) What is the fastest way to cool a room in the summer?

You can make a DIY fan cooler at home using ice. Simply place a shallow basin or bowl of ice next to a fan for an inexpensive icy-cool wind.

3) How can I cool my house in extreme heat?

If you’re still wondering how to keep room cool in summer, draw your curtains, particularly on north and west-facing windows. Better still, invest in dark (block-out) drapes to keep the sun out of your home throughout the summer.

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