Property Inspection: Its Importance and Benefits in Real Estate Transactions

Property Inspection

Property inspection is a systematic and detailed visual inspection of buildings, fixtures, and designs. It provides a transparent explanation of all the vital improvements and conditions of the property in question. The owner of the property, or whoever has assigned the property inspection company will receive a report that outlines a blueprint of what needs to be mended, or what needs maintenance attention in the property.

Further down the article, we are going to look into why a property inspection is needed, what happens during the inspection, and what you do with the report.

So, Why is Property Inspection Important?

When you are either buying or selling a property, an inspection report can help you make the right choice. Purchasing a property is a huge investment and when you have to splurge again on repair or maintenance, you dig a huge hole in your pocket. Property inspection gives an upper hand in knowing what is wrong with the condition of the structure.

If you are a seller, a home inspection will give you a heads up in knowing what all the buyers may point out and what can make your property unsellable. You can do the necessary repairs beforehand and have better chances of making the sale. So how much will you spend on a property inspection? A typical property inspection will cost anywhere between Rs. 1750 to Rs. 5500.

When Do You Call a Property Inspector?

Most buyers won’t be able to have a completely unbiased inspection of the property they want to buy. Plus, an average buyer won’t have enough knowledge about the technicalities of inspecting a property. For an accurate picture, you need to call a professional property inspector.

Property inspectors don’t fail or pass a house based on their report but rather a description of its physical condition. They just point out if there are any concerning issues on the property. Before you make a purchase or put your property on the sale market, call for a property inspection clause in the purchase or contract agreement. This clause must specify the terms and conditions agreeable to both the seller and buyer. Consult an attorney well-versed in property laws to draft this clause.

Property Inspection Results: What to Do With It?

If the report states faults with the property, it doesn’t mean you cannot sell or buy the property. You will be able to expect all costs you may incur if you buy it. A seller might be flexible with the contract terms or purchase price because of the concerns listed in the inspection report.

Commercial Property Inspection Checklist

Here’s a list of all the things to remember during the home inspection process:

  • Room size: Check the dimensions of the property by prioritizing the size of the rooms.
  • Furniture fit: Check if all your current furniture will fit the new space. This can help you decide if you need new interiors or furniture.
  • Drainage systems: Make sure there are no leaks or seepages on the ceiling and walls. Any structural flaws will be aggravated in the monsoons. The drainage system should also be in a good condition to prevent flooding and jams.
  • Quality inspection: A house that has been resold many times may have damages like broken cabinets, doors, windows, scratched granite, worn-out floorboards, etc. Be aware of them before you sign the deed.
  • Electrical systems: Next comes the HVAC systems, smoke alarms, gas lines, and the like. They must be in order to prevent future mishaps.
  • Civic amenities: Cross-check all the amenities stated so that you the developers don’t double-cross on what was promised. Maybe the amenities are still under development which can help you negotiate the price.

Rental Property Inspection Checklist

When you are renting a property, you need to either have a property inspector or inspect the conditions yourself. The checklist for rented property inspection same as the commercial properties.

The Bottom Line: Property Inspection Report Helps You Negotiate The Selling Price

Property inspection is important before you sell or buy a structural property. After all the head-to-toe verification has been done, a report will be made that states all the concerning factors the property inspectors noticed. You may or may not buy the property even if the reports state concern. A property with certain defects may be negotiated for transaction for a lower price.

Property Inspections FAQs

1. What is the purpose of property inspections?

Commercial property inspections are a buyer’s opportunity to know all major issues with that property. The first reason for the significance of property inspections is that they can be used as a contingency in the sale agreement.

2. What are 5 very important things that are inspected in a home inspection?

The 5 important things that property inspectors look for in a property are

  • HVAC systems.
  • Electrical systems
  • Plumbing
  • Roof
  • Foundation
  • 3. What happens after a property inspection?

    A check-out report is made after a rental property inspection. This report lets the inventory company or an agent know if any improvements need to be made. It also mentions if the tenant or the landlord is responsible for those liabilities.

    4. What are the most common problems found in commercial property inspections?

    Property inspections take place to give the property owner an idea of any suggestions for improvements in the structure. Here is a list of the most common issues found in a typical property inspection:

  • Ai and water in the window perimeters or cracks
  • Poor drainage around the structure
  • Poor maintenance of the property
  • Inadequate ventilation and insulation in the attic
  • Plibinv issues
  • Defective cooling and/or heating systems
  • Roof issues
  • Faulty wiring
  • 5. What are the 7 steps of the inspection process?

    A typical property inspection (whether it is rental or commercial) goes through the following seven stages of inspection:

  • Pre-inspection stage
  • Photos of the property
  • reviewing the specifications of the project
  • The physical condition of the material
  • Make and manufacturers of the material
  • Confirming the certification obtained
  • Requirements of appropriate storage
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